
Privacy Policy

We take your privacy very seriously, you can relax in the knowledge that LongLostBook.com treats any personal information it receives from you in the strictest confidence..

Email Address

If you contact LongLostBook.com using one of our contact forms, we will not use your email address to send you unsolicited advertising or any kind of unwanted correspondence. You can also rest assured that your address will not be released to any other third parties.

Pop Ups

As well as protecting your email address, this site is also free of intrusive advertising pop ups. If you experience something like this, I can promise it's nothing to do with us. It may be an 'exit' pop up served by the site that you visited immediately before coming here, or your computer may have been infected with spyware, which can cause advertising messages to appear on any website you visit. The only pop ups we might use are purely for informational and functional purposes, not for advertising.

Third Party Websites

LongLostBook.com does not accept any responsibility for privacy issues involving websites that we have linked to - if you follow a link away from our site, it is your responsibility to check the privacy policy of the destination website, before you disclose your email address or other personal details to them.


LongLostBook.com does not use any cookies at all, but we may use the services of third party companies that require the use of cookies to function correctly, as described below.

Third Party Advertising Companies (Google Adsense)

We may use Google Adsense as a third party advertising provider. This will use cookies to serve ads on this site. Google's use of the DART cookie enables it and its partners to serve ads to users based on information about your visits to this site and/or other sites on the Internet. This information does NOT include your name, address, email address, or telephone number.

To learn more about this, or to opt out of the use of the DART cookie, please see the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

Third Party Visitor Tracking (Google Analytics)

We may use Google Analytics as a third party visitor tracking provider. This will use cookies to collect the anonymous traffic data of our website visitors. Google Analytics does NOT track or collect personally identifiable information of internet users.

If you wish to prevent your data from being used by Google, you can opt out by using the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on.